I watched a television programme on BBC 2 in the summer called Britains Next Best Thing. One particular episode concentrated on Richard Weston and his silk scarves. Weston was a trained and well known architect but had developed this interesting range of scarves based on images of precious stones, fossils and minerals. I found the images to be absolutely beautiful and really interesting. There were definite similarities within my practice and work to these images and felt they were very inspirational.
Weston's work is interesting because he looks at something already beautiful like a precious stone or luxurious mineral and makes it even more beautiful and desirable by putting it onto silk. My work however concentrates on subject matter much less desirable and makes it more appealing. Since seeing the process Weston uses for his fabrics I became very interested with printing onto silk myself, fabric is always something I have used within my work but printing onto it in this manner and then working back on top of it I had never approached.
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